Are you trying to figure out how to transfer programs to your Fanuc CNCs? Many clients have experienced problems loading and saving programs to the CNCs with Windows 10 and don’t know where to get help. Shop Floor Automations is your resource to connect any version of the Fanuc CNC controller.
Why should I use Predator DNC Software with my Fanuc CNC?
The biggest benefit of using Predator DNC is that it provides a complete CNC network solution, RS232 transfer, drip-feeding, wireless, and Ethernet communication for all Fanuc CNC controller models. Predator DNC Software includes protocols to send at maximum baud rates that support up to 19,200 baud while leveraging RS232 serial communications in combination with our Grizzly RS232 industrial cabling solution. The software can be used to communicate to one or multiple Fanuc CNCs from a computer running Windows 10 or Windows 2016/19 Server operating systems.
When running a newer Fanuc I series controller, many clients have experienced problems linking their controller over ethernet using shareware applications. With Predator Software, you can connect wirelessly using our Wireless Connect device by attaching it to the RJ45 port. This allows you to transfer programs bi-directionally with ease using protocols like FOCAS, and FTP. Optionally, you can connect an Ethernet cable to your network switch/hub and use the software while leveraging user and password security. It’s critical you manage these machines like your computers and use Predator’s security features to control specific file types to the machine and not virus and executables files. While Fanuc controls with Ethernet ports are easy to add to your network, they can easily cause havoc as well if not properly managed.
Can I use my Fanuc CNC controller to remotely call part programs from the DNC Software?
The great thing about Predator DNC Software, is that the application can save you time and money with the remote request feature in Predator Software. Eliminating the need to walk back and forth between your CNC and PC allows the operator to call for the desired part program by sending a short message with the part program name. The PC receives the message from the specific CNC and returns the desired part program in seconds to the control. This can be done with any version of the Fanuc CNC controller using RS232 or Ethernet using wired or wireless connection.
Can Predator DNC drip feed my Fanuc CNC?
Predator DNC Software includes the ability to drip-feed part programs that are larger than the CNC controller memory via RS232 serial. Instead of breaking up the program into several files, the Fanuc CNC control allows the program to run in real-time like streaming music versus downloading the song to your device. Predator can also use the Ethernet port to move large files across to the Fanuc controller in seconds when file size is an issue.
Shop Floor Automations can help you implement Predator DNC Software!
At Shop Floor Automations, we can help you implement Predator DNC Software in your shop. With Predator DNC Software with your Fanuc CNC control, you gain access to a more user-friendly interface that allows you to operate the program without leaving the CNC controller as well as high-speed transfer over RS232 and Ethernet. If you are interested in learning more about Predator DNC Software and how it might be able to help improve your shop floor efficiency, contact Shop Floor Automations today at (619) 461-4000!