
The Manufacturer’s Apprentice

Manufacturing Apprentice Programs

A time-tested tradition may help with our industry’s skills gap. Manufacturing apprenticeship programs and paid training for electricians, technicians, and other industrial jobs, is an excellent option for both job seekers and the industry.

A collage of apprentice machinists and mechanics learning via working directly with experienced shop floor employees.What is an apprentice? The Department of Labor defines an apprentice as a position that “combines on-the-job training with job-related instruction…a ‘learn while you earn’ model.”

“Apprentices receive a paycheck from the first day and progressive increases in wages as their skills advance.”

Being paid while learning a job is preferential to those who know what they want to do for a career. They don’t want to spend two to four years paying for a degree.

Here are the three things people seeking to be an apprentice in this job field will need to know to get started:

First, evaluate what area you would want to work in. CareerOneStop, sponsored by the Department of Labor, will help you build a skills profile. Evaluating your aptitude will generate a list of possible jobs that may suit you. If any of the careers listed are remotely industrial, technical or relative to manufacturing, an apprenticeship may be open.

Secondly, find a realistic starting point, which would be this resource page via the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). Check out resources like workshops and apprenticeship listings.

The Department of Labor even has special resources to attract women to these careers. Ladies can seek out these higher-paying but unconventional jobs under the Pre-Apprenticeship Program.

Finally, pick and apply. Once accepted, the length of the program and the rate of pay will vary. An apprenticeship can be anywhere from one to six years long. There are even informal apprentice positions private companies offer when you look them up on job sites like Indeed.com

Do you already work in the manufacturing industry and need better productivity on your shop floor? Call SFA at (877) 611-5825 or interact with us on social media