DataXchange Mobile – Apple iOS And Google Android Apps


Mobile manufacturing data collection apps that show the current equipment status, as well as some historical charts, are available for the iPad and iPhone and for Android phones and tablets.

The iPad and iPhone apps are available on the Apple iOS App store. Click the App Store link or scan the QR code to go to the App Store to purchase and download the app.

The Android tablet and phone apps are available on Google Play.

“When there is less worry of machines going down, this can create a better work/life balance for those who work on the shop floor, and in the front office. Machine monitoring, which is a powerful IIoT (industrial internet of things) tool, is an amazing way to get notifications of what is going on with machines not only on the shop floor, but via email or text notifications.” Read More

For more information from the #1 reseller of DataXchange, please call (877) 611-5825