Predator PDM Enterprise has enhanced the shop floor dialogs with New Machine Events and Tracker style Check-In and Check-Out dialogs. In addition, the following improvements have been made:
January 17th 2013 – Predator PDM v10.0.191 is released
Added -UNRELEASED to change manufacturing and quality status workflow
Improved online help
Improved -viewvaultitem command line to support wildcards
Improved -viewvaultitemdialog command line to support wildcards
Improved machine wizards
Improved the Oracle database login screen
Improved displaying the database name and host within the status bar
Improved check-out warning message
Improved display of LF only style CNC files within the shop floor windows
Fixed a bug with editing a list item
Customers on software maintenance can download v10.0.191 of Predator PDM from our downloads at any time. Customers running v9 or older of Predator PDM should contact Shop Floor Automations for upgrade details and pricing. Read more below. Ray Ray2013-02-15 10:28:022019-02-05 21:33:28Predator PDM v10.0.191 is released
As low as $45 monthly per machine for Cloud option
Real-time data collection from any age CNC controls & equipment
Unlimited reporting, charting licenses & users
View & report on data results from anywhere
Track multiple cycle time types
OEE and IIoT reports and charts from Scytec DataXchange help improve machine utilization and minimize downtime. “Collecting data from the machines is one thing, but utilizing the data for actionable results is critical in order to convert manufacturing data into manufacturing intelligence,” Scytec proclaims to customers.
Timelines, equipment status summaries, OEE summaries, trends, downtime Pareto, scrap Pareto, histograms, plots, comparisons, and more can be charted. These charts can be displayed in the real-time dashboard of the program, which includes being able to saving group or personalized chart templates and ability to export this data to CSV or Excel.
“DataXchange is a Cloud and On-Premise manufacturing machine monitoring system,” Scytec says of their services. With over 15 years of experience in manufacturing, they were able to create this program from scratch. “Increasing utilization by roughly 30 minutes per machine will cover the cost of the software. How about the gains of knowing when machines are running at a lower feedrate, a program stop, or sitting in feed hold? The software typically pays for itself within the first few days of each month.”
Call (877) 611-5825 for more information! Ray Ray2013-01-10 10:19:192023-05-19 10:37:05Scytec DataXchange Silver Released